Tuesday 25 November 2014

Special Creation of a Magnificent God

God obviously loves Man. This lets me think that since God does not do anything for show or without reason in all his Wisdom then there is something to Man.

Now if God will create man, establish a relationship with him, go out of his way to redeem him after disobedience and to this day is still inviting men, ‘come’, then there is something in man, that man is yet to know.

And maybe that explains satan’s envy that another has come to take his place. Maybe that explains satan’s anger. Because if God was just loving something that was empty perhaps satan would have nothing but mild anger or occasional disgust at the fickle object on which so much affection would have been considered a waste upon.

But we know God does not waste. Not time, not resources, not power, not anything. So if God Loves man, He must have poured something into Him that Man is yet to find out. This thing in Man, satan must have, at least, a passing idea about or He would not be so bent on making sure that man neither finds this ‘thing’ out nor sits in communion with his Creator.

I feel strongly that only in the presence of the Creator can man truly discover who he is and it stands to reason that a creature should be defined by its Creator.

You will never know who you are, what God has deposited in you- what He has invested in you, from the devil or any other place outside God. The devil might definitely know nothing more about you than a passing glimpse no matter how much or great he knows and He most definitely cannot bring to fruition or activate that which God has put into you. So, would you stop wasting time serving yourself, serving the world and serving satan? You will only be like a fish out of water.

You know that for all your seeming finery and power, you can never have one thing with the devil- your purpose. He can give you assignments. But He will never give you purpose.

He does not have it to give and even if he did have it from God, he (satan)  would not give it to you because it is in discordance with the plans he (satan) has for you- plans of destruction and to make sure you never make it back into union with your Creator, plans to make sure you never discover who God made you to be talk less of fulfill purpose.

The book of Jeremiah talks of the thoughts of peace and the expected end God has towards Man. It emphasizes that His thoughts towards us are not of evil. Luke 10.10 goes on to contrast the reason Christ came against the intents and works and of the devil.

If you forget anything, don’t forget this- that you are the special Creation of a Magnificent God. He is sold out on you- literally! Why else would He come to die for you? Now all you have to do is be sold out on Him. Trust Him, invariably, at some point, you’ll be glad you did.

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