Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Special Creation of a Magnificent God

God obviously loves Man. This lets me think that since God does not do anything for show or without reason in all his Wisdom then there is something to Man.

Now if God will create man, establish a relationship with him, go out of his way to redeem him after disobedience and to this day is still inviting men, ‘come’, then there is something in man, that man is yet to know.

And maybe that explains satan’s envy that another has come to take his place. Maybe that explains satan’s anger. Because if God was just loving something that was empty perhaps satan would have nothing but mild anger or occasional disgust at the fickle object on which so much affection would have been considered a waste upon.

But we know God does not waste. Not time, not resources, not power, not anything. So if God Loves man, He must have poured something into Him that Man is yet to find out. This thing in Man, satan must have, at least, a passing idea about or He would not be so bent on making sure that man neither finds this ‘thing’ out nor sits in communion with his Creator.

I feel strongly that only in the presence of the Creator can man truly discover who he is and it stands to reason that a creature should be defined by its Creator.

You will never know who you are, what God has deposited in you- what He has invested in you, from the devil or any other place outside God. The devil might definitely know nothing more about you than a passing glimpse no matter how much or great he knows and He most definitely cannot bring to fruition or activate that which God has put into you. So, would you stop wasting time serving yourself, serving the world and serving satan? You will only be like a fish out of water.

You know that for all your seeming finery and power, you can never have one thing with the devil- your purpose. He can give you assignments. But He will never give you purpose.

He does not have it to give and even if he did have it from God, he (satan)  would not give it to you because it is in discordance with the plans he (satan) has for you- plans of destruction and to make sure you never make it back into union with your Creator, plans to make sure you never discover who God made you to be talk less of fulfill purpose.

The book of Jeremiah talks of the thoughts of peace and the expected end God has towards Man. It emphasizes that His thoughts towards us are not of evil. Luke 10.10 goes on to contrast the reason Christ came against the intents and works and of the devil.

If you forget anything, don’t forget this- that you are the special Creation of a Magnificent God. He is sold out on you- literally! Why else would He come to die for you? Now all you have to do is be sold out on Him. Trust Him, invariably, at some point, you’ll be glad you did.

'Natural' Pride

The devil himself was described as the angel that covered (Ezekiel 28:14). He was in the very throne room of God and ministered to the Highest. How did He loose such an exalted position? Pride!

It strikes me in the bible, the passage that says”… the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day…” (Genesis 3:8)  A Being walking in a garden in the cool of the day, even if it is the voice of the Being doing the walking, strikes me as a pretty down-to-earth personality. No airs. Definitely has time to relax and appreciate the finer things as against the stress and hogging that goes with attention-grabbing and acclaim-finding. My God strikes me as a pretty basic personality- basic not for the absence of aura or charisma, character or even utmost Power but because He is thoroughly unaffected, free from all affectations, down-to-earth and for all He is and has, He is totally without pride.

This One and Only God of all the worlds, Creator of all things was and still is so humble that He desires a relationship with clay in the form of Man. How much more basic can you get? Splendorous Light, All Power, Immortal, infinite All Wise God, wanted, wants and still wants a relationship with Man.

Man however is proud, tending towards self-acclaim, self-aggrandizement and self-will. You know nothing about who you are but you will sooner do what you will than find your true purpose through your Creator.

The problem of pride in man begs the question- why do we want to flaunt? Who is so important we throw away reason, humanity and even God to impress?

The God who created us, for all He was and is and will ever be has never put schisms between Himself and any of His creatures. Serve me is all He asked. Yet tolerates your disrespect and is patient with your fallen nature though He had nothing to do with it. Ultimately He makes your innermost desires His business to bring you unto perfection. I wonder sometimes why he bothers and it rings in my heart- what He put into you- begging the examination of the fact that perhaps humans, all humans, lose a pivotal truth about themselves, who they are just by refusing to be and stay in the presence of the One who created them.

Man would generally not stop except in the face of loss or imminent loss (if they are given the priviledge and they are able to receive and understand it) that life is so fickle, the things we chase after so ephemeral and the accolades we grasp so short-lived and undependable to the point of insanity, that it is mind boggling and terribly tasking on the brain of any right thinking person, why humans would disrespect, destroy and even kill each other for power, fame or money.

Yes, perhaps the social sciences would explain these away with terms like ego and the like and how it affects human behaviour. But I think expecting or even simply just explaining by these is the exact reason humanity as yet does not understand some of its 'natural' inclinations to be perfectly unnatural.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

He is Omni!

Lamentations Chapter 3 got me. I could relate with it because it rang true in the spiritual dryness/disconnect I felt. Yes, I was praying, I was a firebrand- or at least lighting up, but I felt very disconnected from God.

For some reason the things I knew and had denied and gone on to disobey now taunted me. I had known them but not listened. I had gone on to disobey and now it seemed even that was being denied me- that knowledge, it's conviction. Not because I didn't believe them to be what they were anymore but because I had not believed them at the time when they could have saved me much pain...

Yep, dryness fit. I felt embraced but distanced. Loved but chastised. I know I am not going anywhere from God despite this because Job's declaration that 'Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him' (Job 13:15) has profound meaning to me now.

I know He's not going to let me go. I know he chastises his own. Even as I write I see already apparent pits to fall in. Luckily for me what you are capable of doing is not held against you. Only what you can do.

So I draw closer to Him. and draw on the Strength only He can give, I hide within the hedge only He can secure one in. And I wait... Patiently I wait as I am healed of every wound, every anger, every pain and every bitterness. Wounds from gullibility and foolishness, anger at God because I felt He did not protect me (but life exists by His Protection), pain from a sustained sense of betrayals and bitterness for things not being the way I envisaged or wanted them to be.

I learn you don't tell God- He knows. The sooner you embrace His Will, who He is, the easier the ride will be. You don't struggle with the Most High. Indeed, 'it is hard for you to kick against the prick'' (Acts 26:14).

He is Omni...

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Called by Grace!

I had just finished my reports and I had called Onome to let’s go downstairs and talk. Our new office hardly afforded privacy and while there had been a time when I had thought what I was about to discuss with Onome had been public, I was not interested on tooting the particular horn before people yet.

Soon, Onome began to tell me about his brush with death via an accident that had taken place on his way to Delta state preparing for his wedding. Getting out of the car with barely a scratch in an accident where one person had died and several others bleeding was miracle enough. Hearing the entire story was humbling and mind blowing at the same time. I am certain an angel was involved.

Ebuka joined us and recounted his own testimony- how he and his brother with his family had escaped death by fire. I was stunned. This God was still in the business of saving lives and people.

It was not that I did not have my own experiences. I should be the last to deny my overflowing cup of testimonies. I was however seeing that what God would do for one, he would do for all. He loved His creation!

When Ebuka mentioned how he was ‘trying ’ to serve God and how distractions and temptations came despite all God had done for him. I felt he thought himself inept. Perhaps, ungrateful. I could relate. I felt I could see him beyond what he had said.

I told him God was not looking for perfect people. He perfects. He is not expecting us to deal with life’s problem’s, temptations and distresses alone and come to him with a ‘clean bill of health’- of having done things by ourselves- we couldn’t possibly!

All God wants is for us to come to Him with genuineness of heart, ready to serve Him, humble ourselves before him and live our lives for Him. I have since found that this is a daily decision and commitment. Daily, attacks will come, temptations and distractions. They must surely come. But once we have taken that decision daily, we are better able to stand.

The story comes to mind from perhaps a devotional I read which goes something akin to a small boy walking a tight rope to impress his mum and stretches out both hands holding nothing as he ‘does’ this great feat and excitedly shouts to his mum, ‘See mama, no hands!’

Even as I write this I can imagine the horror felt by such a mother. ‘No hands!’ I doubt God wants us doing such things with ‘no hands’. He definitely wants to walk you through everything in life and in your life. You have not charted this course before. Why ‘no hands’?

Then I am reading the book of 2nd Timothy this morning and Chapter 1 verse 9 confirms what I was telling Ebuka. It says, ‘Who has saved us and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works but according to his own purpose and grace…’.

It confirms that you have been called not because you are holy but because, if you let Him, you will be.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

The Word

Honestly, I do not know how I thought I was going to make it. I’m not reading The Word, I’m going on past Word stored up and it’s hardly getting me by- I feel like a car running on fumes.

Is there hope? Actually, none!

Unless I listen to the simple instruction I have been given- Read the Word. For real! Who lives on stale food? An amount of the word I had has tided me over thus far but I am starving on current word. What is applicable to me today!

Then I come across the article in Christianity.com- Why So Many Churches Hear So Little of the Bible.

It caught my attention. Yep, guilty- I am looking for what is relevant to my life and I’m not listening to the Word of God just to hear Him speak. I know in my head that every time He speaks He ministers something but my heart just can’t trust enough that what I think is pressing is really not so pressing.

So, I pretty much have one assignment- three actually, the other two being to be thankful and to worship Him.

But I’ll take this one first. Maybe when I get used to it I can do the other two although I have a sneaky feeling they should all three go hand in hand.

A scripture falls into my heart. I do a search to find it “Sanctify them through thy truth; thy word is truth” It’s John 17:17.

Too many people have sat judge over me. Knowing nothing they have spoken and done what they will. What they thought they saw had been so clear... But they had known nothing about it.

I on the other hand have lived for approval. A person who never cared for this I don’t know when exactly this began to matter but I know I have done things simply to fit.

Instead of looking for the one solution I had for my life- the word, His Word!

It was always the only thing that will lead me through. People around me didn’t know anything about me but they judged. I knew nothing about where I was coming from and I pandered instead to people’s whims at some point.

The Word however knows me through and through, knows who I truly am, where I am going, what is inside of me and does not judge me, does not demand, does not ask anything but that I do that which is good for me- and like it or not, only the Word knows that, the Word created me. Why then is the Word so difficult to follow.

The article said the neglect of the Word can only lead to disaster, disobedience and death- ask me about that! It also says an impatience with the Word of God can be explained only by an impatience with God- that cuts deep, I am paying the price!

Well, my very life depends on The Word now. If I do only one thing in the day, it’s going to be spending quality time with the Word- in The Word. It's the only life I've got now.

But who was it that said, when you are left to no other option but God, you'll find that God is the only option you need?

I know that’s true on my head level. Now I’m just hoping I get it on my heart level.


Monday, 24 March 2014

...Because God said so!

I was feeling terrible. I had failed God so many times. I was sure it was over. It was easier to just stay down but for some reason He would not let me rest down there. I kept getting a nudge in my spirit- ‘Make amends. Ask forgiveness. Make peace.’ Not again I kept saying. ‘God no dey tire? Abeg, me I don tire.’ It was easier to rest on the ground than keep rising and falling. I had fallen again and this time it seemed I had no energy to get back up. Any will I might have had had neatly been buried under tonnes of guilt that wouldn’t let my conscience rest.

Of course, I had gone through the phase of rebellion before I fell neatly into the enemy’s set-up. I had gone through the phase where I blamed God and figured since He wouldn’t give me what I needed despite seeing my obvious ‘dying’ without it, then it was up to me to take care of myself. It was not the first time, but I guess the devil has innovations of the same thing.

I took matters into my own hands once again, falling into the same old pit, the same ‘ol’way’, with my eyes closed.

Of course, when the threats, loss, muck and mire came calling, I was helpless. Satan had a field day.

God wouldn’t let up, though. Of course, the fact that I had been in that same old pit before should have made climbing out easier- the terrain definitely stank familiar, but God was the only One who helped me make it out.

It seemed I was going under. ‘He would never forgive this time’, I thought- yet, He made me ask for forgiveness. ‘He would never save this time’- yet He made me ask to be saved. ‘He would not help this time’- yet, He made me ask to be helped… And forgive he did, Save He did and Help he most resoundingly did. Driving home the point that His Reason is beyond us humans. Definitely, He sees and gets something that we cannot, that is beyond us to grasp or comprehend without Him

He leads me and I go into prayers. His Forgiveness astounds me, takes the ground neat off from beneath me but I take it anyway. It does not make sense to me but it makes me want to do more.

I remember a dear friend telling me once (I am convinced under the leading of the Spirit) that I am too intellectual. Trusting too much in my own intelligence, when the Word of God does not make sense to me like when it lets me off the hook seemingly ‘so easy’’, I am inclined to flay myself and tell God He isn’t doing a good job of condemning me so I ‘help’ Him. Yeah, there was that.

This time though, I had the devil to thank for my bowed head and the accusations that flew so speedily though my mind and would not allow me take God’s Forgiveness. I took them all to God. He answered me.

Here I am reading the Book of Jeremiah and in my heart I am brought to my knees. Jeremiah 36:1-3 talks of God telling Jeremiah to write down all the words He had spoken against Israel and Judah from the beginning till that date, from the day He had spoken to Jeremiah in the days of Josiah even till that very day –‘unto this day’. Why?

Verse 3 made it clear that ‘it may be that the house of Judah will hear all the evil which I (God) purpose to do unto them; that they may return every man from his evil way; that I may forgive their iniquity and their sin’

Striking! I had spent the last few previous Chapters quaking at the strong words and harsh judgments pending over the heads of God’s people. Striking too was the fact that the message that echoed through these Chapters was of the reprieve and sure mercy that will follow the judgments already passed against the nation.

Now I get to 36 and I find that with all the reprieve God had been so careful to give for the judgments He had passed against His people, He was still giving them a way out of getting that judgment altogether!

And the Word came- God is not looking for who to judge. He is ready to receive as many as are ready to repent. He doesn’t care how many times you have repented. He doesn’t care how many times you have fallen. As far as you are repenting genuinely now! As far as you are turning away from your sins now! You are making a 180 NOW- AND MEAN IT!... And He knows when you mean it. You can’t fool Him! (Gal. 6:7)

I make up my mind to make it; to make it up to Him; to not fall again. Thus far it seemed I was waiting for some approval of some sort. For some go ahead from some human. I mean why should I move on after disappointing so many people even if they do not even know I fell? Why should I move on? I wanted the permission of the human species to move on. To have them tell me they had forgiven me. I realized it might never come. But it HAS come from the One Person, The One Being that truly matters the most- It has come from God.

So, I hear it clearly

‘Forget it and move on, Biola… Because God said so….’

Monday, 24 February 2014

Let God decide...

I went to see a friend after church service yesterday and he made a comment that was becoming increasingly familiar- 'That Church (referring to my new church) is full of indecently dressed girls' or something along those lines. I smiled. It wasn't the first time I was hearing that. I had at some point maligned the very church I now attend though for a different reason. It wasn't new. But I couldn't resist the urge to educate.

I told her an occurrence I found very humbling. Two Christian brothers had entered a public transport only to find themselves sitting beside this 'indecently dressed' lady. Needless to say, they had tried everything possible to ensure that their bodies did not touch the lady's going so far as to direct a new entrant into the vehicle to sit between themselves and the lady.

You see, these 'very' Christian brothers belonged to a denomination that was well known at the time for their aggressive stance for piety, holiness and the like. There was no way they were going to allow themselves to be contaminated by this obvious servant of satan.

The bus got to a particular part of the road and found an accident had just occurred. Like several other vehicles before them, the driver of their vehicle parked and they all got down to behold the driver of the car that had encountered an accident on the floor, convulsing. Everyone looked on in horror... except one.

The indecently dressed lady had her hands raised up high, walking back and forth and... wait for it!...

She was praising God, speaking in tongues and praying! How dared she?

And as if that was not enough, she dared to go one step further... She went to the convulsing man, laid her hand on him and....

He stopped convulsing! Wow!

Needless to say the two 'Christian brothers' went to meet her afterwards and got a mild rebuke telling them 'that God looks at the heart'

And doesn't he? When Samuel went to Jesse's house to anoint one of his sons to be the next King of Israel after Saul, what did God tell him as his (Samuel's) human mind processed Eliab's (One of Saul's sons) countenance and height as becoming a King? '... Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him; for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart' (1Samuel 16:7)

What do I have to say? God knows all. he knows the end from the beginning. He knows whether that sister or brother is going to make it. He knows the heart of that prostitute on the street. And you know what else? H alone knows if she will ever come to him.

God alone knows that man you think will never amount to much. He might never. But as long as he is alive. He just might.

Since we cannot wrap our little heads around what God knows, what He sees and what He is working with can we please stop judging others? You have no right to. Preach the gospel is what you have been called to do. Do just that and let God decide who goes to hell.

And while we are on the matter, the two Christian brothers are now in my Church- a Church of which it is often asked, 'if this Church did not exist, where would all these (indecently dressed, usually initially questionable characters) go?'

I say, 'Let God decide'

Friday, 31 January 2014

Want a Christian?

I was talking with a friend two nights ago and the issue of wisdom in choosing a marital partner came up. He said a key word. In essence, he said, ‘Getting involved with a Christian is always better. You don’t have to worry about trust and if they fall they don’t take pride in it or make a habit of it, reveling in or relishing it’

I cast my mind back to encounters I had had with certain ‘Christians’ and I knew the issue of what exactly was a Christian was a bone worth crunching.

Believe it or not there had been periods in my life when I had thought everyone with a Christian name was a Christian. And if you had been born a Christian? You definitely had something over me!

Of course, I paid for my silly notions.

Yes, I couldn’t imagine anyone declaring for God and doing otherwise- until I began to understand what it means to be a Christian. It is a sad truth that people can call themselves Christians but without knowing what it is to be a Christian or what is really expected of them as Christians, they end up not being Christians. 

 The Word of God says in Romans 2:28-29:
28 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:
29 But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.

For real, without even knowing what it is to be a Christian how do you even know if you are one or if you have even truly decided to be one? And if you do not know who or what a Christian is how would you choose a Christian as a friend or partner.

Well, with the way I was I ended up with what I was- church-flitting, nice-spitting infidels with neither moral backbone nor spiritual strength, forget power.

Yeah, I was all that and I got the same I was like flies to spilled soda. I had a Christian name and so did they. None of us were Christian. Why else would there be the Invisible Church I hear of; the true Church of God composed of not church goers but people who are really serving God?

I read somewhere that going to church doesn’t make you any more Christian than 'parking' yourself in a garage makes you a car. Well, a Christian would always go to Church but going to Church doesn’t make you a Christian.

I have since learnt that being a Christian is a relationship not a set of rituals. It’s obedience to the Word of God not head knowledge. It’s a lifestyle not a garment that you put on and put off at will. It is a commitment; it is dedication even through the weird looks you receive from even weirder people, the put downs you get from people you should pull up and persecution that comes even from your own head and your own body.

Christianity is unwillingness to fall and getting back up when you do knowing fully well that staying down does not give God glory neither does it make you any better or even better loved by God- Christ already paid all the price there ever was to pay, is to pay and ever will be to pay.

Christianity is not turning back when your church members turn on you and your pastor turns out to be something else.

It is a lonely walk you might be priviledged to share with certain people; a lonely walk because you work out your own salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12). Your heart is set on Christ, your eyes fixed on Him and it’s all about no other person but him.

Yes, as a Christian it is better for you to get involved with another Christian. Yes, you would not have to worry about trust. Relationship-wise you would have far less reasons for degenerate worries. But before you go searching for one, ask yourself, are you?

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Happy New Year!

I have so much to thank God for- so many actually. When I look at the last year, I know I have grown, matured. I still have a ways to go but I have so much to thank God for.

Last year, I got my job, got over a mindset that was killing me, let go, came into my own and learnt to stand up for myself. I learnt some valuable lessons and this year I am rearing to go.

I commit it into His Hands… ‘cause He alone can get me through. For schizu!

The message of Christmas...


As I went to Transcorp Hilton to spend Christmas eve till the day after boxing with an aunt I wondered what to do. I had expressly received instruction to fast and wait on God. I had even had someone advise me against the trip. Sadly, my aunt would have none of that. ‘You got me into this’, she insisted, ‘We’re going on into together’.

Bemused I wondered how convincing someone to have a fun time in a top hotel with their family could get me ‘under arrest’. ‘I would pray and fast while there’ I said. Yeah, right!

I didn’t only have my aunt give me the injunction on the fourth day of my fast (and my first day with them) that I was to break my fast, I also listened to her when she said as a Minister she was telling me not to fast!

Now, come on here! Sure I didn’t have to break my spiritual exercise. But I got the perfect excuse I needed to do what I really wanted to do. What chance did I stand with all that spread in front of me anyway! (Yeah, right! I have never been a believer of beyond redemption or too far to turn back or too late or… For that matter, too set up! But lately I find a more relaxed mode has me making all sorts of excuses.)

Anyways (pardon my use of the word. It’s a personal idiosyncrasy), as I bit into the bread, baked beans or whatever (yeah, how spectacular are the things that make us break off) it distinctly came into my mind the story of the old prophet and the new (1kings 13). I had used my aunt’s ‘Ministerial injunction’ as an excuse to expressly disobey God. (as I write this now I cannot help but wonder if the Old prophet’s ‘word’ (lies) to the New had not simply been a way out for the New to grub up and disobey God. In the long run, this would reveal God as knowing our heart’s desires and the truth about whatever lies we want to cook up about being tempted.

 I know I have wondered what kind of God would serve a new (and might I add, young, fresh faced (and maybe, vulnerable?) prophet up for breakfast to a lion? Apparently If I had been the New prophet in this scenario with my auntie I would be guilty as sin! I wanted the food!


I thanked God for Grace and the question of Grace came up? What exactly was Grace? An excuse to throw up every time we fumbled? An excuse to fumble? It occurred to me that grace was not available at the time of the Old and New prophets in the bible. I, on the other hand, had it. I had access to it!

Of course, the excuse of using it every time I fumbled was not it. Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? God forbid. But it is available. There is nothing I can do about that. And I would be a fool such as to turn my back on it because it is too easy. No way!

I communed with God as I smiled at my aunt and internally wrestled with my Creator. I was sorry. I would make it up to him. And the message of Christ on the cross came to me distinctly. He didn’t die in vain. I would access that sacrifice, His blood.

No I could not make up for my disobedience. And no, Grace is not to be taken for granted, but I will take the Grace that is available to me even as it was not in bible times. Yes, the New prophet died according to the bible but I will be no better off than him and maybe even worse off if I do not take the Grace that is available to me. If he had it, I bet he would have taken it! And if he was not smart and did not, I wouldn’t want to follow him in his example.

So while I knew I was in disobedience, I repented. I also knew that I could not pay Him back- not with begs, not with wheedles or extra fasts. But I also knew I had an escape- grace - the price that had been paid on the cross. I did not and do not have to perish. And while I knew I deserved to be flayed and any number of things could happen to me for my disobedience, I knew I didn’t have to be flayed (or flay myself) and nothing evil needed to happen to me. I had an escape route- I took grace!

Coming to think of it right now as I sign off (I didn’t even think of this then!), I think now that the message was apt- that I should receive the message of Grace on Christmas day. The message of Christ arms stretched out on the cross for such a time as this- when I would compromise on God's instruction but would repent, not want to do it any more but still need that I not be eaten by a lion... Wow, Lord! You knock me out!